Sunday, March 15, 2020

Power Spheres by BoBoiBoy Mod Apk 1.3.20 [Unlimited money]

Power Spheres by BoBoiBoy Mod Apk 1.3.20 [Unlimited money]


Mod Info:(What's modded?)

A lot of money

Power Spheres by BoBoiBoy Mod Apk:

  • - Version: 1.3.20
  • - Size: 51.15 MB
  • - Price: Free
  • - Root needed: No Need
  • - Offers In-App Purchase: No
  • - Price: Free

Power Spheres by BoBoiBoy Mod Apk 1.3.20 [Unlimited money] Features:

Power Spheres by BoBoiBoy Mod Power Spheres by BoBoiBoy 1.3.20 Mod A lot of money Features:

A lot of money

This new Puzzle-Action game in the ever so popular BoBoiBoy game series is the officially licensed mobile game for monsta’s BoBoiBoy The Movie.The game challenges your puzzle skills and speed. Combinations of BoBoiBoy’s elemental powerballs unleash action on your opponents in the battle screen above as a group of alien treasure hunters has arrived on earth and kidnapped Ochobot in order to use him to locate an ancient and powerful “Sfera Kuasa”. BoBoiBoy and his super friends must now race from level to level to save Ochobot and fight never before seen villains.This split-screen BoBoiBoy game combines Match 3 Puzzle gameplay with Action elements and takes you to defeat well-known enemies and new villains from the movie in 100 exciting levels.Can you beat the Alien treasure hunters?Are you good enough to help BoBoiBoy and his friends to save Ochobot?Will you uncover the secrets behind the mysterious “Sfera Kuasa” and unlock your BoBoiBoy’s new powers?

Full Specifications

Download Infomation
Version Code71
Langaf am ar az-AZ bg bn bn-BD ca cs da de el en-AU en-GB en-IN es es-ES es-US et-EE eu-ES fa fi fr fr-CA gl-ES gu gu-IN hi hr hu hy-AM id in is-IS it iw ja ka-GE kk-KZ km-KH kn kn-IN ko ky-KG lo-LA lt lv mk-MK ml ml-IN mn-MN mr mr-IN ms ms-MY my-MM nb ne-NP nl pa pa-IN pl pt pt-BR pt-PT ro ru si-LK sk sl sq-AL sr sv sw ta ta-IN te te-IN th tl tr uk ur-PK uz-UZ vi zh-CN zh-HK zh-TW zu
Permission TextOTHER:
Allows applications to open network sockets.
Allows applications to access information about networks.
Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
Allows an application to write to external storage.
Allows an application to read from external storage.
Operation Systems
Min Sdk9
Min Sdk TxtAndroid 2.3 (GINGERBREAD)
Target Sdk10
Target Sdk TxtAndroid 2.3.4、2.3.3、2.3.2、2.3.1 (GINGERBREAD_MR1)
Multi WindowNo
Supports Screenssmall, normal, large, xlarge
Cpuarmeabi-v7a x86
Open Gl Int0
Supports Any DensityYes
Densities160, 213, 240, 320, 480, 640
User Features
Uses FeatureWi-Fi hardware features:
The app uses 802.11 networking (Wi-Fi) features on the device.
Uses implied FeatureThe app requires the device to use the portrait or landscape orientation. If your app supports both orientations, then you don't need to declare either feature.#The app uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telephony radio system.#The app uses 802.11 networking (Wi-Fi) features on the device.#:
Valid FromFri Feb 29 02:33:46 CET 2008 until: Tue Jul 17 03:33:46 CEST 2035
Serial Number936eacbe07f201df
LocaleMountain View

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